Banking Regulation 2016

We are delighted to inform you that VANDENBULKE’s contribution to “Banking Regulation 2016”, in cooperation with Getting the Deal Through, has now been released!

In this contribution VANDENBULKE provides an overview of the primary statutes and regulations that govern the Luxembourg banking industry, its oversight as well as rescue packages. The impact of international and European regulations (such as CRD IV, EMIR, BRRD, MIFID2, MIFIR and PRIIPS) and their latest transposition into Luxembourg national law are also further described. Being an active contributor to Getting the Deal Through’s publications for several years, VANDENBULKE is pleased to send you the hard copies upon request


For an easy reading on mobile devices, please open the optimised version for iPad Banking Regulation 2016 or for Kindle/Android Banking Regulation 2016.

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Banking Regulation 2016, (published in April 2016; contributing editor: David E Shapiro, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz). For further information please visit